Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Writings on the wall...

I made a reminder for myself to write a blog about superstitions.

It occurred to me to do such a thing because I am incredibly superstitious. Now, I'm not an extreme when it comes to superstition. I don't mind if a black cat walks across my path. I don't mind if someone opens an umbrella inside (as long as it's not over their head). And I just think it's common sense to not walk under ladders.
I don't think there is seven years of bad luck when you break a mirror, but it sure scares the hell out of me when I drop one. Nothing is broken yet.

But there are little things I abide by. I wont pick up a penny unless it's heads up. Also, with my wedding, I am practically going to inhale something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. And quite frankly, I'm wracking up my brain on figuring out what to borrow.
I have time though.

I just feel that the traditions that have been carried on through the generations should be followed to an extent. Even if it's not truly luck, it can give the sense of accomplishment and success and is less likely to steer into eventual failure.
I have not immersed myself into weddings and such. I've only been to my sister's wedding and a friend's wedding. But I was not hugely into it, like the stereotypes suggest. I was the Maid of Honor for my sister, but I didn't do much for her. So, I don't know what to expect.

Now I have something old: my grandmother's jewelery. Something new: my dress.* Something borrowed: I got nothin'. Something blue: I'm working on it. I'm thinking some sexy undies.

I do plan on doing some research on Finnish wedding traditions as well.

A few of things made me nervous, I admit.
I read through them all and I am incredibly fascinated...

*It is not a white wedding dress since this isn't a full blown wedding, just a small ceremony to get officially married.

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