Monday, March 15, 2010

Early Bird Special: Me. Me! Mói! Minä! Yo! Mí amore.

Yesterday was a beautimus day.
Lauri and I discussed plans to no end.

So I was excited. I couldn't sleep even. I fell asleep around 2:30, if I'm lucky. I was awake at 6 AM, as planned. Hopped on my elliptical for ten minutes and have been enjoying my morning.

I've been thinking about our "wedding" non-stop. We're not having a white dress wedding. We're just officially getting married, and it's simply delightful.
I've already bought my dress, a cute darker purple dress. I'll wear it with my lacy Spanx, my shiny black kitten heels... and I'm considering my grandmother's set of black jewelery, it makes a statement. Or the ivory roses. But I do wonder, I have the something old, something new, does the jewelery count as borrowed even though she's passed on?
I did figure maybe I'll just purchase some cute blue panties set.

I'm worried about my hair. I finally manned up and purchased some hair extensions, clip in. I can dye them. I'd like to return to my natural blond color. But light brown looks good on me too. I need slightly darker hair colors because my skin will look green otherwise, or I just look washed out. Too dark and I look blueish green, I look sick actually. I'm worried red would be too bold, and so I think I want blond, so these extensions will last a life time. Ok, not a lifetime, but they should last about a year I think. A long time anyway.

I'm excited. We're going to have our wedding at Maestratti in Hämeenlinna. It will be my dad, my grandmother, my stepmother, Lauri's dad, mom, her boyfriend (of like ten years), Lauri's brother and his wife, and maybe his best friend Nikke. Then we shall go have a celebratory dinner.
Then maybe the next weekend have our Honeymoon. Seems we planned on Tallinn. I believe I convinced him 3 days and two nights. Which is just right, methinks.

I'm so excited.

Life has turned out wonderfully the past few months.
It's all the world a difference when you make the effort.

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